Air Supreme Heating and Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heating System Repair’

Clutter Around Your Furnace Could Be Breaking it Right Now

Monday, February 26th, 2024

Furnaces are designed to be out of the way of your daily life. Most are located in the basements of homes, or they may be found in garages or specially designated closets. 

Unfortunately, as a side-effect of being in an out-of-the-way spot of a house, furnaces often attract clutter. People store items and toss items aside into places like the basement or the garage. If you aren’t cautious, you may come to the end of the winter with a furnace that’s surrounded by clutter. 

You don’t want this! It’s bad for the furnace and may be harming it right now. It also creates a safety risk. We’ll go over why you definitely want to declutter your furnace. We want to help you avoid heating repair in Ashland.

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Is It Okay to Try to DIY Repair My Furnace?

Monday, January 15th, 2024

The simple answer is no

The more complicated answer is that you can do some troubleshooting with a malfunctioning furnace to see if there’s a simple explanation for the problem that doesn’t require any actual tools and repair work. We’ll look at a few of these steps, and then explain why you need to turn to professionals like ours for any heating repair in Ashland, KY if those steps don’t work.

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Is it Your Heater or Your Thermostat? Let’s Find Out

Monday, August 28th, 2023

Your thermostat controls your heater. On its own, your furnace or heat pump doesn’t detect the temperature in the room. If it did, your house would always have a weird temperature because the devices are away from the center of your home. If you look at where your thermostat is, you’ll see how it’s mostly central to the rest of your home.

That’s because it needs to detect the most common temperature in the home so it knows whether or not it needs to send a signal to the heater or not. It simply sends an on or off signal, the heater responds, then waits for further instruction. So how do you know if you need heater repair or if it’s the thermostat? Let’s help you find out.

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Address These Strange Sounds and Start the Year Off Peacefully

Monday, January 3rd, 2022

Enjoying time indoors in a nice warm home on a cold day can be a great feeling (especially when you do it with a cozy blanket and a good book or movie). However, that enjoyment can be hindered if your heater is making too much noise. Running your heating system is never going to be a completely silent activity. There is more than one noise that your system can make though that should alert you to a problem.

If you hear a problematic noise from your system, it is likely that you need to schedule a heating repair in Huntington, KY. Not sure what noises to be wary about? Read on to find out and contact us to curb them.

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What Are the Signs You Need a Heating System Repair?

Monday, March 1st, 2021

Having a heater that needs to be repaired is not something to ignore. The longer that the repairs are put off the higher the chance that the situation will get worse. In some cases, a repair that isn’t taken care of in a timely manner can lead to an early replacement and that is not something anyone wants to deal with earlier than needed.

When it comes down to it you want to be able to figure out when you need heating repair as soon as possible. A professional technician has the ability to help you diagnose what the issue is and solve it but you need to know when to call them first. Watch out for these warning signs of a heating system repair in Ashland so you can contact our team for help ASAP.

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