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Air Supreme Heating and Air Conditioning Blog

It Is Vital To Schedule Maintenance For Your Generator


When the lights go out in your neighborhood, you’ll be incredibly happy to have a whole-house generator that is working properly. What you want to avoid is being the one to discover that the generator that you thought you could rely on isn’t as reliable you thought.

That said, there is a way to avoid that inconvenient discovery: schedule generator maintenance. Maybe you’ve heard of maintenance for your air conditioner but never realized that your generator needed it to. We want you to know that this is an incredibly important electrical service in Ironton, OH that can save you a lot of trouble and money later on.

Is It Time For A Generator Tune-Up

You are probably like us and you aren’t too hot on the idea of scheduling a service you don’t actually need. We don’t blame you. That said, you should absolutely schedule maintenance for your generator on a regular basis. If you aren’t sure whether you need maintenance or if you should just skip to getting your system repaired, we are happy to help you figure it out. Schedule maintenance if…

  1. Your generator is showing no signs of leaks.
  2. You can’t find any signs of corrosion or rust.
  3. You’ve done a test and the generator seems to be responding right.
  4. You got the system maintained last year.

You’ll want to schedule repairs for your generator if…

  1. You do a test and something seems to be wrong with your generator’s operation.
  2. Your generator can’t stay on consistently or has a delay in its start-up
  3. You haven’t had it maintained in well over a year.
  4. There are signs of a leak around the generator.
  5. You notice areas of rust or corrosion
  6. The generator has take on physical damage to its exterior (ex. a tree branch fell on it.)

How Maintenance Helps

Let’s say you know that your generator doesn’t need a repair just yet. Do you really need to schedule maintenance? The short answer is that yes you should still schedule maintenance each year. If you want to understand why this service is so important, check out the benefits it can offer you and your system.

  • Better energy efficiency. A well-maintained generator will be more efficient when it is in use.
  • Fewer repair needs. Maintenance can help to reduce the number of repairs your generator needs and their cost too.
  • Improved reliability. This is a big one! When you schedule regular maintenance for your generator it is going to be a great guarantee that you’ll be able to really rely on this system if and when you need it.

Taking care of your whole-house generator is important because it can really define what may happen the next time the power goes out in your home. Make sure that your generator gets the best care possible with professional maintenance and repair services provided by our trained and certified electricians.

Our team is proud to be Your HVAC experts in Flatwoods, KY. Contact Air Supreme Heating and Air Conditioning to schedule an appointment.

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