Air Supreme Heating and Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Russell’

5 Reasons to Schedule Heating Maintenance Today

Monday, December 6th, 2021

We are on the cusp of the winter season so it may sound strange to be talking about eating maintenance. This is a service that is usually related to the fall season before temperatures really start to drop. So why are we bringing up heating maintenance now? It’s because it still matters and I can still help.

Heating maintenance is one of those services that is going to benefit you and your system no matter what. as long as your system is still operational you can still have it be maintained. so the question is have you scheduled your main is appointment yet? If not is most certainly not too late. Let’s look at five reasons why you should schedule heating system maintenance today.

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How To Tell You Need an Electrical Panel Upgrade

Monday, July 19th, 2021

Imagine trying to get by without a reliable way to get electricity into your home. It would make it hard to get light in the rooms you need it in, harder still to keep things cool and comfortable. And let’s not forget how unreliable electrical flow can impact your refrigerator!

Having a problem with the electricity in your home can be a serious and stressful situation. So many parts of the modern home need electricity to function so when your home’s electrical system can’t deliver, it is a problem. One possible solution to handle this issue will be an electrical panel upgrade which is something we can help with.

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4 Noises Your AC Should Not Make

Tuesday, July 6th, 2021

Around here, things are getting hotter. And that means you need to be able to rely on your air conditioning system to keep the house cool. However, this may be harder this summer if your system needs an AC repair in Russell, KY.

Even if you have gotten regular maintenance for your AC each spring (we commend you if you do) there will come a day when you need to get your system repaired. But how can you tell if this is the case? Listen to what your system is saying!

Your AC can’t talk of course. What we mean is to listen to what noises the system is making to figure out what might be wrong so you know when to schedule service.

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Why You Have Burnt Outlets

Monday, October 26th, 2020

Have you ever met someone who enjoyed their bread to be toasted until it was only one degree north of burnt? They call is optimally crispy, you call it insane. To each their own but there are certain things in this world that you really don’t want to have burnt. The outlets around your home for example.

If you have begun to notice that you have one or more outlets in your home that are showing signs of burning, or if you just tried to plug something in and it sparked and smoked, it means that you need electrical repair in Russell, KY.

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7 Sounds You Don’t Want Your AC To Make

Monday, October 12th, 2020

Your air conditioning system isn’t meant to operate silently. However, there are plenty of noises that it isn’t supposed to make either. If turning on your AC system means that any and all conversations have to come to an end then it is likely that you should reach out for an AC repair in Russell, KY to address the problem.

A noisy air conditioner is often one that needs to be repaired. We want to give you a quick list of sounds that you should be on the alert for so you know when to reach out to a professional.

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